Mary Turner's 100th birthday
Mary was born Mary Quinlan on October 22nd 1920, the eldest of 5 children. She hoped to become a teacher but at 14 had to leave school to support her family. Her father was awarded the Military Medal during the First World War but in 1934 was diagnosed with cancer. Mary worked in Burtons sewing room for 6 shillings and 8 pence a week and never complained (that’s just 33p a week!). She loved classical music and French and was very proud of her Irish background.
During the 2nd World War, when making spitfire parts - 12 hour shifts for £2 per week - she met Fred Turner and they married in 1945. In 1976 Mary returned to Burtons as head of Estates Department. After a happy marriage Fred died just months short of their 70th wedding anniversary.
Mary has great faith, she loved her church community and cleaned and washed the altar linen with pride. She loved her visits to Lourdes.
Aged 90 she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and after Fred’s death 6 years ago, was admitted to Glen Rosa Care Home in Ilkley where she remains gentle and happy.
The family wish to express their huge thanks to Glen Rosa for all their love and care of Mary, and ask that we remember in our prayers the magnificent Carers who have worked so hard recently to keep everyone safe and well.
Congratulations Mary. Your family and friends in Our Lady and All Saints parish wish you every blessing on your 100th birthday! Happy Birthday and Lots of love!