Angels for Children Foundation
This year saw the completion of our Angels for Children Foundation building in the Philippines. My brother and sister-in-law attended the handover of the building earlier this year on behalf of the charity. The building has 3 classrooms in it with a removable panel in-between so it can be used as one big room for meetings and also for our school feeding programme. In school term 2017/2018 (June to April) we had 78 malnourished or wasted children in our programme at San Remegio Central School in Cebu, this is one of the school that was horribly affected by typhoon Haiyan in 2015. Each child enjoyed a healthy lunch every day of the school year. At the start of this year school term (June) there are 70 additional malnourished children in this programme at the same school.
This summer I went back home to the Philippines for a family visit and our charity work. However, this time my family all came with me. It was 12 years ago since Ian, my hubby, and son Shaun saw my family; it was during my father’s funeral. You can all imagine how my family, especially my mum, was very excited for this visit. I was very pleased that finally Ian and Shaun joined us with this visit as I wanted them to see the charity projects and the children we are helping. They’re my “behind the scenes” support (my no.1 fans!), especially for my hubby whose encouragement, generosity and patience (very patient!!) make it all possible. We travelled about 145 miles in a Pickup truck for 8 hrs with sun, wind & heavy rain too at one point. By the time we arrived at the school, Sheeana, Shaun and Eliza’s faces were coloured black due to dusts from the road! It wasn’t a comfortable ride due to road conditions & heavy traffic; such an experience for them! All of it was worth it though when they saw the hundreds of happy children who greeted them. They distributed chocolates & sweets to them. They were also delighted to see the new building, which at the moment is used by year 5 with 60 children in the class & the other classroom by the ASL Deaf class. Eliza managed to interact with the children via her BSL sign language or by writing her answers on the board. Recently, this multi-purpose building was used by the Teachers In-Training for the whole DepED division of San Remegio, North of Cebu. On this visit, we also decided to surprise my family by renewing our wedding vows. We got married in the Philippines in November 1988 after writing to each other for 2 yrs. So, we thought we have an early Pearl (30 yrs) Anniversary celebration. Unfortunately, we couldn’t have the service in the church we were originally married in, as it was fully booked. However, we managed to renew our vows in the parish church next door to my old secondary school, led by the Franciscan Sisters. It was a simple & very beautiful service with just immediate family, just as we wanted. And we had a thanksgiving party in the evening, organised by my brother and friends. We were surrounded with families & friends from near & far. It was very special!
Ian, Sheeana & Shaun come back to the U.K. a little early due to their work commitments; Eliza and I stayed a bit longer to continue our charity work. We visited another primary school in Cebu. It has over 600 students from pre-school to year 6. The head teacher was telling us of their struggle to find funding for a roof on the stage & the gym. Performing is a big part of school curriculum over there. Performing, especially in front of the whole school and village community, is a regular activity for them. It boosts self-confidence & encourages team work and creativity. Because of weather conditions there, either very hot or storms/heavy rain, they are desperate for financial help to have a roof. We really hope to help them in the near future. This school also has 110 severely malnourished children on the list. At the time we visited in August, they are not receiving any funding from the government. Despite the difficulties, the children are happy, it’s good to see how well they interacted with us and were very welcoming.
We, the charity, have agreed to provide feeding for 111 malnourished children as the priority. Sadly, we have a limited funds available at the moment, so we cannot afford to provide them with everyday meals. So, we agreed to feed the children 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) which they are very grateful for indeed. As the head teacher wrote in his recent email: “In behalf of the teachers & parents we are so blessed to have you as one of our benefactor for the school feeding program. Your generosity will surely have a great impact on the lives of our school children especially in the improvement of their attendance and hopefully in their school performance as well. Thank you very much and more blessings in return. Sincerely grateful always, Fernando v. Ylaya”
During feeding programme at Don Calixto Yongco Elementary School, where there are 111 malnourished children benefiting this programme. We also visited the Disabled & Orphanage centre, called “Amjen Dreamin’” centre. I have supported this centre for over 3 years now and every time I visit, we hold a feeding party and distribute essential food to the children and their families. Most of these children are abandoned by their parents because of their disability. It is always wonderful to see them and the many changes they have made since my last visit. It was also very sad this time, as Corin, the little girl who had celebral palsy, passed away early this year. She used to live above the cemetery with her elderly grandad and slept in a pushchair that I had given as a gift. I can still see her big wide smile, that beautiful face when she knew she was having a new pushchair. We had another invitation to visit another school, but I felt it was best not to visit, as I’m finding it very difficult to leave them without some commitment to help. We have only limited resources and have to be careful not to over-commit ourselves. The work to provide a gym roof at the other school will be essential to their community, so will be helped first. We have had limited fundraising events this year. I have not been able to do so many or such big events because of work & family commitments plus health problems. It’s a difficult challenge ahead for me, balancing home/family life and working on further projects in the Philippines. There are times I feel like giving up but The Lord always finds a way of giving me a sign to carry on. As Father G, one of the many inspiring people I met, said “Beth, I will keep praying for your mission!” There are 2 primary schools with nearly 200 children benefiting the feeding programme. It costs 28p to give a child a meal, approx. £15 to provide a child a healthy meal for the whole school term. If you need more information or would like to sponsor a child please contact Beth Street on 07719 785986 or email us at 100% of donations we receive will go directly to the projects. See our website Thank you very much for all your continued support & generosity. You all inspire me to keep going! Please continue to pray for our work, our mission!!
Wishing you & your loved ones a very happy & peaceful Christmas and Healthy New Year!
Beth Street