Our Parish Centre is available for use by parishioners for private events – a meeting, baptism, funeral, birthday party or whatever.
We have two meeting rooms available for use – one will accommodate up to 20 people, the other up to 60. The bar lounge provides a third meeting area for up to 30 people and is equipped with a TV and computer/video connection facilities. Our kitchen is equipped to a professional standard. Although we make no charge for the facilities, donations to cover the costs of heat and lighting are welcome from all users.
The bar is currently closed and not in use. The Lounge however is available as a Meeting Room.
It is acknowledged as a valuable meeting place with excellent facilities – one comment received recently called it a “hidden jewel” – and we have hosted and accommodated many meetings from the parish and the wider Otley community since 2012.
Our regular users include:
• Children’s Liturgy
• Sunday Coffee Mornings
• Breakfast Club (term-time only)
• After School Club (term-time only)
• Parish Youth Club
• St Vincent de Paul Society
• Knights of St Columba
• Choir (“Sally’s Army”)
• An Investors Club
Notice boards at the back of church and in the Centre itself show what is scheduled for the next week or so. If you haven’t already used the Parish Centre or visited the bar, why not this week? You are always welcome, and could be pleasantly surprised!!

Our Parish Centre is available for use by parishioners for private events – a meeting, baptism, funeral, birthday party or whatever.